Friday, May 01, 2009


Figs have laxative properties, suitable for all ages. Figs work as a demulcent, soothing and protecting the gut, but are also nutritious and very high in soluble fibre, which helps the gut work more efficiently, also help prevent stomach pains and griping.

Fennel Seeds

Fennel Seeds – relieves bloating, wind and tummy upsets of all kinds, used for centuries to soothe colic. It also ease period pains and other menstrual disorders, perhaps because of its mild oestrogen properties, it has shown to increase breast milk flow in nursing mothers. The seeds also have appetite-suppressant; this may help if you are thinking of going on a diet.

Evening Primrose

Evening Primrose
Every part of the plant is edible: the nutty roots are boiled and eaten as vegetables; the leaves are eaten as greens; while the seeds were traditionally dried and chewed by Native Americans. Evening primrose oil is a rich source of gamma-linolenic acid, and essential fatty acid that can’t be made in the body but which is essential for growth and bone health and to regulate metabolism.
Evening primrose is often recommended for the symptoms of PMS (sore breasts, irritability and bloating) and menopause. It has been shown to help with the itchiness, scaling and inflammation of eczema, to lower blood pressure slightly and to soothe ulcerative colitis.


Has anti-inflammatory properties to soothe coughs, sore throats and bronchial infections and to make catarrh and sinus conditions looser and more productive. Elderberry has powerful antiviral properties that combat various flu strains and which been shown to shorten the duration of flu attacks.
Do not eat unripe berries, which may cause vomiting and diarrhoea.

Evening primrose

Evening primrose
The oil is rich in gamma-linolenic acid essential fatty acid that can’t be made in the body but which is essential for growth and bone health and to regulate metabolism. Evening primrose is often recommended for the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (sore breasts, irritability and bloating) and menopause. It has been shown to help with the itchiness, scaling and inflammation of eczema, to lower blood pressure slightly and to soothe ulcerative colitis.


Used for treating cystitis and other urinary track infections. But make sure you see your GP it is cystitis and nothing serious.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Contain vitamins A,B and C, plus minerals calcium and magnesium, which is good for general immune system booster. Cherries have known to lower uric acid level and have long been used in the treatment and prevention of gout and arthritis, but no scientific proof to support its use. Cherry stalk are anti-inflammatory and when taken as a tincture or tea can soothe dry, irritating coughs. In large quantities, cherries are both diuretic and laxative – just don’t eat too much.

Chaste berry

Chaste berry
The berries are highly regarded as one of the best natural hormone regulators for women. It contains lots of essential compounds that seem to raise level of the hormone progesterone during the second half of the menstrual cycle. The berries benefits a wide range of disorders, relieving PMS and cyclical breast pain, helping with irregular bleeding, and menopausal symptoms, and diminishing hormone related acne. A study have shown that it doubles the chances for infertile women to get pregnant ( from 10% to 21%).
Guys, stay away from this berry, because it has the opposite for men, will reduce sexual desire.


Used for: blackcurrant is rich in gammalinolenic acid, its used to treat long-lasting inflammatory skin conditions like eczema, as well as PMS, breast pains, mild hypertension and rheumatic disorders. The berries themselves are also antiviral, protecting against flu.

Borage Seeds

Borage Seeds
Used for treating inflammatory and rheumatic conditions, to treating depression, as a diuretic and to promote sweating in fevers. The seeds is cultivated to make into oil, which is known as starflower oil or borage seed oil. This oil is rich in gamma-linolenic acid, greater then evening primrose oil or blackcurrant oil. GLA is an omega-6 fatty acid used to treat dermatitis, arthritis, eczema, mastalgia, PMS, as well as the pain, tingling and numbness that can occur in diabetes.
Star flower oil can also reduce joint swelling, tenderness and pain in rheumatoid arthritis, and improve the condition and function of skin. You will need to take large regular doses of the oil (1-2g of GLA, or 3-12 capsules a day, for at least 6 months.


Used for: help prevent cataracts and lesson glaucoma because it contains active ingredients such as antioxidants and free-radicals scavengers called anthocyanosides, which are also anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing. It also help people with vascular problems such as varicose veins and piles, as well as extremely painful periods and water retention.


Used for: digestive aid, help to soothe dyspepsia, colic, bloating and wind, and control nausea and vomiting. It also said to increase libido, it has mild oestrogenic properties, and some cultures believe giving it to breasts feeding mothers, increased milk production.