Exotic fruits and vegetables are now common in supermarkets; they're delicious and are great for adding variety to
your diet. Try these...
● Don't pass up a papaya as they are bursting with vitamin C.
● Swap your baked potato for a baked sweet potato - they're just full of antioxidants.
● How about globe artichokes? Those impossible looking vegetables are worth-including if your cholesterol's on
the high side. They are rich in cynarine, a substance that seems to help reduce cholesterol levels. Steam, boil with
lemon juice or microwave and serve with French dressing.
● Many supermarkets now stock a whole range of squashes. They're packed with betacarotene and taste great
roasted or made into a delicious risotto. Yams can be used instead of rice and are great boiled, mashed or baked.
● Bilberries are rich in anthocyanins, which are strongly antioxidant. They help strengthen veins, improve circulation
and vascular eye disease. Add them to fruit salads and puddings.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
Kiss goodbye
Kiss goodbye to "garlic breath" by chewing fresh or dried parsley leaves. They're good, too, for refreshing the mouth.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
cod liver oil

For the 20 million people in the UK who have arthritis or rheumatism, cod liver oil has become a staple because it helps to ease joint stiffness. But this isn't its only quality. People who take it also need a much lower dosage of the Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs that they are usually prescribed, which can cause osteoporosis and lowered immunity.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
The No More Thrush Plan
Over 70 per cent of women suffer from thrush at some point in their life and, for some, it can be a recurrent problem. There are anti-fungal remedies available, such as Canesten and Nystatin, but here's our self help plan:
● Take live Lactobacillus acidophilus tablets, which supplement the "friendly" bacteria in the vagina; or eat live ("Bio") yoghurt three times daily during an attack.
● Eat plenty of fresh garlic, a natural antiseptic, or take garlic supplements.
● Try inserting plain live yoghurt into your vagina with your fingers.
● Avoid antibiotics, unless it's absolutely necessary.
● No more long, hot baths; take showers and short warm baths and avoid bath oils.
● Avoid close-fitting trousers and go knickerless when possible. Wear stockings instead of tights.
● Avoid swimming in chlorinated water. Seek out ozone treated pools and shower thoroughly after swimming.
● Don't use tampons.
● Use non-biological washing powder.
● Beware - the Pill and pregnancy can be triggers.
● Certain foods, such as sugar and yeast - in bread, Marmite, alcohol, mushrooms and most cheeses - can encourage thrush, so cut down on your intake.
● Vitamins B2, B5, B6, B12, C, E, folic acid and selenium supplements may bolster your immune system, and only buy vitamins that are yeast-free.
● Take live Lactobacillus acidophilus tablets, which supplement the "friendly" bacteria in the vagina; or eat live ("Bio") yoghurt three times daily during an attack.
● Eat plenty of fresh garlic, a natural antiseptic, or take garlic supplements.
● Try inserting plain live yoghurt into your vagina with your fingers.
● Avoid antibiotics, unless it's absolutely necessary.
● No more long, hot baths; take showers and short warm baths and avoid bath oils.
● Avoid close-fitting trousers and go knickerless when possible. Wear stockings instead of tights.
● Avoid swimming in chlorinated water. Seek out ozone treated pools and shower thoroughly after swimming.
● Don't use tampons.
● Use non-biological washing powder.
● Beware - the Pill and pregnancy can be triggers.
● Certain foods, such as sugar and yeast - in bread, Marmite, alcohol, mushrooms and most cheeses - can encourage thrush, so cut down on your intake.
● Vitamins B2, B5, B6, B12, C, E, folic acid and selenium supplements may bolster your immune system, and only buy vitamins that are yeast-free.
Did you know...
that skin infestations such as pubic lice, scabies and ringworm are not only caught through sexual contact but can be transmitted on towels and bed linen? Pubic lice or crabs can survive up to 24 hours away from human skin. Scabies and ringworm can also be caught from inanimate objects, according to Sister Lesley Hunter at St John's Dermatology Centre, St Thomas' Hospital, London: "Ringworm is easily caught in damp, wet places, such as swimming pools and changing rooms, and scabies, although it is mostly transmitted through skin-to-skin contact, can be caught from bedding and clothing." She advises against sharing brushes, combs and towels, too. Prompt treatment is essential, so go to your GP if you suspect that you're infected.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Give yourself a talking to....Most of us listen to a relentless stream of self criticism and negative thoughts going on inside our head. When we hear it often enough, we begin to believe it. You can replace these automatic negative thoughts with positive ones which set you up for success, for instance..
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Stand up for yourselfThis doesn't mean being aggressive, stroppy or rude, it's just expressing feelings, needs and wants simply, clearly and confidently. Why do most of us find it so hard to say what we think or want? 'It's because we think it's selfish, or we're afraid to say no,' says consultant psychologist Trevor Powell. One way of being assertive is to use 'I' statements to express yourself such as 'I feel really angry when you...', and then to say clearly what you'd like the other person to do or change.
Take small risksMost of us feel safe when we're on familiar ground, with friends we know and things we've done before. Psychologists call this our comfort zone'. We don't usually like stepping outside it because we feel we wouldn't be able to cope with the anxiety But taking a small 'risk' every day, even if it makes you feel uncomfortable, is one of the best ways to boost confidence. Learn to cope with more. not less.
Be selfish'The word selfish has negative associations for most people,' says Trevor Powell. 'Many of us feel caring for ourselves is somehow self indulgent or wrong.' Not true. Making time for yourself, giving yourself time to relax, allowing yourself treats and rewards without feeling guilty about it, will all make you feel good about yourself - after all you're worth it.
Act as if...
Confidence is partly a question of practice. You may feel like jelly inside, but if you act as if you are confident - speak as a confident person would, adopt the body language, think the thoughts, carry out the actions and look the part then your real inner confidence will grow as a result.
Take small risksMost of us feel safe when we're on familiar ground, with friends we know and things we've done before. Psychologists call this our comfort zone'. We don't usually like stepping outside it because we feel we wouldn't be able to cope with the anxiety But taking a small 'risk' every day, even if it makes you feel uncomfortable, is one of the best ways to boost confidence. Learn to cope with more. not less.
Be selfish'The word selfish has negative associations for most people,' says Trevor Powell. 'Many of us feel caring for ourselves is somehow self indulgent or wrong.' Not true. Making time for yourself, giving yourself time to relax, allowing yourself treats and rewards without feeling guilty about it, will all make you feel good about yourself - after all you're worth it.
Act as if...
Confidence is partly a question of practice. You may feel like jelly inside, but if you act as if you are confident - speak as a confident person would, adopt the body language, think the thoughts, carry out the actions and look the part then your real inner confidence will grow as a result.
12 steps to positive thinking Certain ways of thinking and acting can lead to positive mental health, says consultant psychologist Trevor Powell. These life skills will help you stay positive and cope with stress.
1] Take responsibility for your life, If you don't you'll always blame others or circumstances for our own dissatisfaction.
2] Be flexible, Change what you can and also learn to adjust to what you can't.
3] Accept reality as a mixture of good and bad, Accept the of unfairness and that things aren't always black or white.
4] savour the moment,Seek out laughter, fun, change.
5] learn to live frustration, it's a part of life and important for any personal progress.
6] express both your positive and your negative feelings, be open and assertive about your emotions.
7] work towards goals, have both short and long-term goals in life, they give your life direction and meaning.
8] think creatively, Work out your own solutions, rather than accept what you are told.
9] manage your time to create a balance, Learn to balance work and leisure; family and friends; being serious and having fun,
10] develop hobbies and interests, Experiment until you find one that is absorbing, meaning ful and fulfilling.
11] develop relationships, value friendships and show commitment.
12] accept and care for yourself, like yourself; focus on positive things about yourself that you like.
1] Take responsibility for your life, If you don't you'll always blame others or circumstances for our own dissatisfaction.
2] Be flexible, Change what you can and also learn to adjust to what you can't.
3] Accept reality as a mixture of good and bad, Accept the of unfairness and that things aren't always black or white.
4] savour the moment,Seek out laughter, fun, change.
5] learn to live frustration, it's a part of life and important for any personal progress.
6] express both your positive and your negative feelings, be open and assertive about your emotions.
7] work towards goals, have both short and long-term goals in life, they give your life direction and meaning.
8] think creatively, Work out your own solutions, rather than accept what you are told.
9] manage your time to create a balance, Learn to balance work and leisure; family and friends; being serious and having fun,
10] develop hobbies and interests, Experiment until you find one that is absorbing, meaning ful and fulfilling.
11] develop relationships, value friendships and show commitment.
12] accept and care for yourself, like yourself; focus on positive things about yourself that you like.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Smart Snacking
Are your snacks nutritious pit stops or nutritional black holes of high fat? Learning how to snack smartly can not only improve your nutritional status, but help boost you up, calm you down, aid digestion and even combat cystitis and raised blood pressure.
COTTAGE CHEESEIt's not only a great snack food because it's low-calorie; it's also rich in the protein building block tryptophan, which is converted in the body into the mood enhancing chemical serotonin.
CRANBERRY JUICECranberries can help prevent and treat urinary tract infections, like cystitis. The equivalent of a glass a day of cranberry juice can help guard against infections, even in regular sufferers.
SOYA MILK YOGHURTProducts made from soya beans contain iso flavones, which appear to mimic oestrogen in our bodies. These reduce the effect of our own oestrogens, which seems to help relieve some symptoms of the menopause. Soya products also contain genistein, a compound which may repress growth of malignant cells of the breast and colon.
FORTIFIED CEREALSWith 23-30% of all women in the UK having absolutely no iron stores (we should have 50Orng stored away), breakfast cereals fortified with iron, such as All Bran, make excellent mid afternoon or evening snacks. One bowl of All Bran supplies 3.6mg of iron - that's a quarter of your day's requirement. Pour over some milk and you'll boost your calcium intake, too.
SEEDS AND NUTSIf you're out and about, it's easy to grab a small bag of sunflower seeds, nuts and raisins or even a sesame seed-based bar. All are bursting with essential fatty acids which are vital for the integrity of every cell wall throughout our entire body. Without sufficient essential fatty acids, cell walls become leaky. As far as our skin is concerned, this means dehydration which causes dry and flaky patches.
WITH CELERYThe avocado in guacamole is rich in vitamin E, the tomatoes contain lycopene, and the onions and garlic are rich in immune boosting sulphur compounds, including allicin. Guacamole can be served with celery sticks - the allicin in the garlic and the phthalides in the celery are both good for helping to reduce blood pressure.
COTTAGE CHEESEIt's not only a great snack food because it's low-calorie; it's also rich in the protein building block tryptophan, which is converted in the body into the mood enhancing chemical serotonin.
CRANBERRY JUICECranberries can help prevent and treat urinary tract infections, like cystitis. The equivalent of a glass a day of cranberry juice can help guard against infections, even in regular sufferers.
SOYA MILK YOGHURTProducts made from soya beans contain iso flavones, which appear to mimic oestrogen in our bodies. These reduce the effect of our own oestrogens, which seems to help relieve some symptoms of the menopause. Soya products also contain genistein, a compound which may repress growth of malignant cells of the breast and colon.
FORTIFIED CEREALSWith 23-30% of all women in the UK having absolutely no iron stores (we should have 50Orng stored away), breakfast cereals fortified with iron, such as All Bran, make excellent mid afternoon or evening snacks. One bowl of All Bran supplies 3.6mg of iron - that's a quarter of your day's requirement. Pour over some milk and you'll boost your calcium intake, too.
SEEDS AND NUTSIf you're out and about, it's easy to grab a small bag of sunflower seeds, nuts and raisins or even a sesame seed-based bar. All are bursting with essential fatty acids which are vital for the integrity of every cell wall throughout our entire body. Without sufficient essential fatty acids, cell walls become leaky. As far as our skin is concerned, this means dehydration which causes dry and flaky patches.
WITH CELERYThe avocado in guacamole is rich in vitamin E, the tomatoes contain lycopene, and the onions and garlic are rich in immune boosting sulphur compounds, including allicin. Guacamole can be served with celery sticks - the allicin in the garlic and the phthalides in the celery are both good for helping to reduce blood pressure.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Bad Breath

5 things you didn’t know about
bad breath
1 Up to 38 million people in the UK -38 per cent of us-will suffer bad breath at some time.
2 Most of us aren't aware we have a problem because, contrary to popular belief, you can't tell by simply breathing into your hand. Running your finger over your teeth and then sniffing it is a much better way to check.
3 Unpleasant smelling breath is caused by sulphur compounds released by bacteria which build up on your tongue.When you clean your teeth, brush your tongue too, or buy a tongue cleaner from your chemist.
4 PMS can give you bad breath. Hormonal changes in the week before your period can affect the level of sulphur compounds in your mouth. Dehydration through illness. not drinking enough or dieting can also be to blame.
5 Mouthwash won't solve the problem, but will just disguise it. Even brushing your teeth will only remove the smell for a while. One cause of bad breath is lack saliva, so chewing gum can help, but persistent bad breath means vou could have an infection and need to see a dentist.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Good sleeping patterns

The amount of sleep we all need varies a lot.-Some of us need at least ten hours, while others still feel good on six or four. The key to this is the quality of our sleeping pattern, which consists of both deep and dreaming sleep. In deep sleep, growth hormones speed up the replacement of old cells - which is partly why we feel refreshed when we wake up. In dreaming sleep, extra blood flows to nerve cells in the brain, which keeps it active. Relaxation is the way to get better sleep - before you switch off your bedside light, try the following tips:
0 Have a warm, soothing bath.
0 Don't go to bed hungry. A rumbling tummy will keep you wide awake.
0 Don't drink coffee or tea after 6 p.m. Have a cup of herbal tea instead camomile is best because it's calming.
Friday, July 21, 2006
6 Foods that could save your life
The right diet can give you an instant health boost and even protect against deadly illnesses like cancer and heart disease. Make sure these superfoods are on your shopping list.
Claimed to strengthen the immune system and fight infection, chillies are good for the heart, circulation and can help loosen mucus on the chest. 'There's no cure for a cold, but eating a dish spiced with chillies is liable to clear your head and make you feel a little better,' says Lyndel Costain from the British
Dietetic Association.
Dietetic Association.
warding off a cold by eating Onions has been a well known old wives tale for decades. These days they have become a kind of cure all---like garlic-and whether eaten cooked or raw, can help lower blood cholesterol levels and treat a huge range of minor illnesses. They're also great for providing you with a
quick shot of flu fighting vitamin C, and the compounds which give onions their distinctive smell and strong flavour may protect us against heart disease and cancer. Onions are also good for arthritis, rheumatism and gout and have a powerful antibiotic effect against infections of the stomach, chest and urinary tract.
quick shot of flu fighting vitamin C, and the compounds which give onions their distinctive smell and strong flavour may protect us against heart disease and cancer. Onions are also good for arthritis, rheumatism and gout and have a powerful antibiotic effect against infections of the stomach, chest and urinary tract.
Switching from meat to oily fish such as mackerel, salmon, tuna, trout and sardines is a good idea as these fish are known to contain high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids which are essential if the body's cells are to work properly. They help thin the blood, so lower your chance of a heart attack being brought on by a clot. Eating oily fish twice a week can reduce blood pressure and may help ease the symptoms of arthritis, rheumatism and eczema. It's also thought to help lower your stress levels and even improve your sex - life, too.
Packed with protein, iron, vitamins B and E, phosphorus and polyunsaturated fats, oats are good at lowering cholestreol Recent studies show that oats are
particularly effective in helping lower cholesterol levels in the over 40s-the group most at risk from heart disease. But they have health benefits for everyone and are ideal for treating digestive problems. A slow burn food, they're ideal for slimmers as they help you feel fuller for a longer time.
particularly effective in helping lower cholesterol levels in the over 40s-the group most at risk from heart disease. But they have health benefits for everyone and are ideal for treating digestive problems. A slow burn food, they're ideal for slimmers as they help you feel fuller for a longer time.
Lots of health problems begin in our digestive system, when the balance between good and bad bacteria in the intestine is upset. Yogurt helps re-store the balance and strengthens the body's natural resistance to the harmful bacteria. It can also boost your calcium levels and protect against osteoporosis. Choose a live yogurt that has been fermented or one of the new yogurt drinks such as Yakult. Research is still going on to find out if yogurt can reduce cholestrol and protect against cancer.
The greener the veg, the more iron and B vitamins it contains. Broccoli is rich in both and has twice the vitamin E as carrots and four times the vitamin C of courgettes. Even better, research now shows that broccoli also ~ins large quantities of a natural chemical that, in lab tests, inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Doctors know diet is a factor in reducing the risk of certain types of cancer, and it's thought su in b mimic the hormon which may slow down the growth of cancerous cells.'We can't claim that if you eat more broccoli you won't get cancer,' says Lyndel Costain.'But we can link low cancer rates in Mediterranean countries with the fact that they eat a lot more vegetables in general and more broccoli in particular.'
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Seven food Superstars
Learn to love these fruits and vegetables. They're all rich sources of the antioxidant vitamins C, E and betacarotene (which the body converts to vitamin A)
AVOCADOS High in vitamin E but also high in fat and calories, so enjoy them, but not too often.
CARROTS Simply bursting with betacarotene, carrots also supply some vitamin C and E. They may also help lower cholesterol.
SWEET POTATO One of the foods that's low-fat, yet has a high vitamin E level. It's also a good source of betacarotene.
BROCCOLI Good for antioxidants and a great source of iron and folic acid. Eating a 6oz serving of broccoli three times a week may also help to lower your risk of developing cancer.
RED PEPPERS Very high in vitamin C. Red peppers, rather than green or orange, are best for betacarotene.
MANGOES A ripe mango is a deliciously sweet source of betacarotene, vitamins C and E, and also contains iron.
BLACKCURRANTS One of the richest sources of vit min C and high in flavonoids - pigments which give the fruit its dark colour and are believed to have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body.
AVOCADOS High in vitamin E but also high in fat and calories, so enjoy them, but not too often.
CARROTS Simply bursting with betacarotene, carrots also supply some vitamin C and E. They may also help lower cholesterol.
SWEET POTATO One of the foods that's low-fat, yet has a high vitamin E level. It's also a good source of betacarotene.
BROCCOLI Good for antioxidants and a great source of iron and folic acid. Eating a 6oz serving of broccoli three times a week may also help to lower your risk of developing cancer.
RED PEPPERS Very high in vitamin C. Red peppers, rather than green or orange, are best for betacarotene.
MANGOES A ripe mango is a deliciously sweet source of betacarotene, vitamins C and E, and also contains iron.
BLACKCURRANTS One of the richest sources of vit min C and high in flavonoids - pigments which give the fruit its dark colour and are believed to have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

The oxygen in the air we breathe is transferred from the lungs into the blood and carried to every cell in the body. Once inside a cell, it helps fire many reactions including the burning of energy, a process known as 'oxidation'.
During oxidation, substances known as free radicals are formed. Chemically, these are unstable because they lack an electron; they literally go charging off round the body in search of one to regain stability. The trouble is they're not choosy and will grab one from the nearest source. This could

As well as being formed as a natural by-product of living, car exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke and UV light can also increase free radicals.
But our bodies have developed a defence system against them in the form of 'antioxidants'. Antioxidants are able to give up one of their own electrons with no detrimental consequences to themselves. Some of the most important are in food and drink. Vitamins C, E and betacarotene are the best known and are found in fruits and vegetables. Recent research shows that substances such as the green pigment, luteolin, in spinach; lycopene, the red pigment in tomatoes; and polyphenols in tea, red wine and apples also have strong antioxidant effects and may help protect against disease.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
5 ways to eat better
1. start small Eat nutritious foods without sacrificing the joy of eating. If you hate broccoli, try other nutrient rich foods.
2. eat until you're satisfied but not stuffed. Remember to stop when you're full and leave the rest for the fat you.
3. learn to love good food Reaching for raw vegetable sticks instead of crisps may not come naturally, but keep trying. you can develop a taste for lowfat foods.
4. be an adventurous eater Experiment with food you've not tried before to vary your diet as much as possible.
5. know your nutrition Keep a check on your fat intake, pack in your five daily fruits and vegetables, look at labels and eat a balanced diet to enjoy the best of health.
1. start small Eat nutritious foods without sacrificing the joy of eating. If you hate broccoli, try other nutrient rich foods.
2. eat until you're satisfied but not stuffed. Remember to stop when you're full and leave the rest for the fat you.
3. learn to love good food Reaching for raw vegetable sticks instead of crisps may not come naturally, but keep trying. you can develop a taste for lowfat foods.
4. be an adventurous eater Experiment with food you've not tried before to vary your diet as much as possible.
5. know your nutrition Keep a check on your fat intake, pack in your five daily fruits and vegetables, look at labels and eat a balanced diet to enjoy the best of health.
Saturday, July 08, 2006

Known as an excellent liver and kidney cleanser, apple juice will settle your stomach if you've been overdosing on rich food. Contains iron, vitamins C, B1, B2 and B6.
Best as a refreshing breakfast juice, grapefruit is high in vitamin C and cleansing citric acid. Don't discard the pith of fresh grapefruits as it is rich in bioflavonoids - nutrients which help with the absorption of vitamin C.
Drinking lemon juice diluted in water first thing in morning helps cleans and tone the digestive system ready for the day ahead. It's a concentrated source of vitamin C, but you may want to add a little honey to reduce the tart taste.
Like grapefruit and lemon juice, orange juice is an efficient cleanser of the digestive system because of its high citric acid content. It's rich in vitamin C and beta carotene (the vegetarian source of vitamin A), plus a wide range of minerals including potassium, phosphorus and zinc.
Pineapple juice is an underrated storehouse of nutrients. Rich in vitamin C and folic acid ( essential for all pregnant women), it also contains a useful enzyme called bromelin which can help neutralise indigestion caused by an over-acidic tummy.
With any thing consume in moderate amount is best.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Keeping a Cactus next to your computer

Keeping a cactus next to your word processor or computer could help to protect you from electromagnetic pollution, say experts from the University of California. Their studies have shown that cacti actually absorb potentially harmful rays and disperse the engery harmlessly into the air.
Apparently orchids also absorbs harmful radiation too, says fat bottomed girl.
Monday, July 03, 2006

Do you ever find yourself tongue. tied? Blushing scarlet whenever someone looks at you? Or stammering over the simplest of replies? If the answer's yes, then you're probably shy. No doubt you think you're the only person who suffers from it . . . but you're not!
Jackie is 19, and up until a few months ago, suffered from acute shyness.
From the earliest I can remember I've always been shy. I'm an only child which could have something to do with it.
When I was a lot younger, before I started school, Mum, Dad and I lived in a flat in the middle of Birmingham. Because we were in a busy part of town, my mum didn't let me go out to play unless she was there to watch me. Really, I don't suppose I had much contact with other children until school.
The first day I went to school, all the kids were crying because they didn't want their mums to go away and leave them. I was crying, too, but I remember feeling terrified! Our teacher was really nice and kind, and the first few days just consisted of getting to know our classmates.
Everyone was in the same boat then hardly anyone already knew each other, but I couldn't bring myself to speak to anyone - at the tender age of five, too!
Eventually I did make friends. I had three close mates Susan, Samantha and Lynne.
I suppose I did OK at primary school, but I didn't like the teachers singling me out for anything. Eventually I think they gave up with me, and let me muddle along on my own. When I think about it now, that's probably the worst thing that could've happened.
I suppose I did OK at primary school, but I didn't like the teachers singling me out for anything. Eventually I think they gave up with me, and let me muddle along on my own. When I think about it now, that's probably the worst thing that could've happened.
When I went on to secondary school, Lynne and Samantha both went away to other schools, and all of a sudden I found I was supposed to grasp algebra, geometry, French, English and a dozen other subjects as well really different from primary school.
I managed quite well on the whole, but algebra completely lost me. I was off the first week we really started doing it seriously, and although I did get a copy of the notes we'd been given, I just couldn't understand it. For about a month I listened and paid attention to my teachers, but I just couldn't make head nor tail of it, I eventually slipped pretty far down the class. I couldn't bear everyone to think I was stupid because I didn't understand it, and I was too shy to ask the teacher for help.
When I left school, I had no idea what I wanted to do. I think being shy really held me back at school, and I didn't know where to start looking for a job. My careers officer suggested I might enjoy working with children, because 1 was renowned for being so patient, but in the end I decided to make the most of the Secretarial Studies I did and applied for a job in a local solicitors - they needed a typist.
The day of my interview was one of the worst days of my life. I was so nervous I couldn't sleep for about a week. I considered not going along, but all that would mean was that I was on the dole for the rest of my life.
Amazingly, although I was dead nervous, I got the job. I think really, that was the turning point. At school, I'd had a couple of friends, but all of a sudden I had to work with three other typists and two secretaries, as well as four solicitors. And there were always other people coming and going, too.
The first few weeks I gradually came out of my shell. The girls were really inquisitive about me because I was new. Did I have a boyfriend? Where did I go at the weekend? The first couple of days I had a permanent blush on my face because I was the centre of attention. I was asked more questions in that week than in the rest of my life put together!
Gradually I've become more confident. In the last two months, I've been out every weekend with the girls from here, and they've brought their pals along, too.
I'm still a bit shy when I meet someone new, but nowhere near as bad as I was - at least I can speak to them, now!
One of the be things about my new-found confident happened last weekend.
We were at a disco and a boy I fancie came over and asked me to dance. I dance with him a couple of times, and he walked me home at the end of the night. I'm not going say we were like long lost friends, but we chatted fine and we're going to the picture tomorrow night.
If he'd asked me to dance eight months ago, I'd have been in the toilets, face scarlet and shaking like a leaf!
So you see, curing shyness really is a case of mind over matter. You won't change overnight, and you need other people to help you.
In the meantime, until you are more confident, here are a few tips to help you cope a bit better ...
If you're shy because you're self-conscious (perhaps of spots) putting your hand up to try and cover them will only draw attention to them.
* If your voice rises because you're shy, try taking deep breaths to calm yourself down. Breathe from the bottom of your ribs, and your voice will be back to normal. If you're short of breath, your voice will go squeaky.
* If you're prone to blushing, just thinking about it will make you blush more. But blushing is natural.
* If you're going to a job interview, work out what to say before you go.
* When you meet people for the first time, shake hands and look them in the eye. Try to remember their names, too.
* When you're standing, try not to look at your feet, move from one foot or gaze into space.
* If you're making a phone call that you're nervous about, jot down a list of things you want to say. That'll avoid any awkward silences and you won't forget anything, either.
* If you don't understand what someone is talking about, perhaps at work, then ask. You'll just end up completely lost otherwise.
* If you walk into a room full of people, it's only natural that they'll look at you - thye're not staring because you're a freak. You'll have done it in the past yourself.
* What do you do when you're feeling shy? Bite your lip? Bite your nails? Fiddle with your hair? Play with your rings? Whatever it is, it's a bad habit, so stop it and you should feel much more confident.
* Finally, shyness is usually something that will eventually go. You'll have to overcome it though. Just remember, it's natural to have butterflies when you go for an interview, and you can be sure that 99% of the population are reduced to a blush and stutter when the person of their dreams finally speaks to them!
Sunday, July 02, 2006

If someone looks blank and stares for a few seconds or minutes, perhaps with a slight twitching or blinking, or appears confused and distracted, possibly repeating a series of movements, such as plucking at their clothes, they may have a form of epilepsy. Dr Pamela Crawford, Consultant Neurologist at Bootham Park Hospital, says, "The person may be unaware of the seizure. Be reassuring and go over anything that they may have missed. Do not try to stop the seizure." If this happens to you, ask your GP to refer you to a specialist. Effective treatment is available and is important, since an absence may occur while you are driving or looking after children.
Friday, June 30, 2006

1∙ Cholesterol is an important part of every tissue in the body - in other words, our bodies require it to function. But we don't necessarily have to eat cholesterol-laden foods to fulfil those needs because the body is able to manufacture cholesterol by itself.
2∙ Cholesterol only becomes a problem when it becomes attached to the walls of the arteries (blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart). This narrows the arteries and so increases the risk of heart disease. The higher your cholesterol level is, the more likely this is to happen.
3∙ Cholesterol travels through the blood in parcels called lipoproteins Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) are known as "bad cholesterol", as the LDLs stick to artery walls. But high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) are "good cholesterol", actually helping to remove LDLs from the blood. The type of food you eat plays a big part in determining the proportion of LDLs to HDLs in your blood.
4∙ Male sex hormones decrease HDL levels and so may increase the risk of heart disease in men. But in middle age, differences between the sexes diminish as levels in both rise.
5∙ There is a genetic condition, called hypercholesterolaemia, that raises cholesterol levels dangerously high. It is treatable with diet and drugs but the earlier it is diagnosed, the better. It affects one person in 500. If you think that it runs in your family, see a doctor about being tested for it.
6∙ High cholesterol levels are a major contributory factor to coronary heart disease, which kills more than 140,000people in the UK each year. It's our commonest cause of death - one in five of us will have a heart attack beforewe reach the age of 65.
7∙ A recent MORI poll showed that one in four Britons thinks all fats are bad for us. Despite this, fats account for more than 40 per cent of the calories in the average British diet. Newspaper reports about Frenchmen who live to theage of 100 on a diet of nothing goose fat and cigarettes and health-food fanatics who die of heart disease at 40 are misleading. Don't be fooled. Eat badly and you put yourself at greater risk of dying young.
8∙ Saturated fats or "saturates" are the real villains in the cholesterol story. Foods high in saturates include dairy products, red meats, lard, some margarines, cakes, biscuits, chocolates, puddings, pastries and crisps. Saturates raise LDL cholesterol levels. Don't let them make up more than 10 per cent of your daily intake.
9∙ Beware of labels that declare "contains hydrogenated vegetable oil/fat". They may not be telling the whole story - the product could contain saturated fats as well. They are lurking in many a "healthy" snack.
10∙ Not all types of fat are bad for you. Unsaturated fats can actually reduce cholesterol levels and may stop some of the damage caused by saturates. You'll find them in oily fish, sunflower, olive and corn oils and some margarines. But restrict them to 20 per cent of your calorie intake - fats, after all, are fattening.
11∙ The soluble fibre found in pulses and cereals can help lower your blood cholesterol. And fresh fruit and vegetables can reduce the deposition of cholesterol in the arteries. Make sure you eat plenty of them!
12∙ Shellfish, kidneys, liver and cod's roe are frequently said to be "high in cholesterol". They're high in dietary cholesterol, but eating them won't raise your blood cholesterol nearly as much as saturates will. Don't eat them every day, though.
13∙ Your cholesterol level maybe fine, but don't assume your heart is - raised cholesterol is only one risk factor. Being overweight, not exercising enough, smoking, drinking too much and eating the wrong foods all put a strain on it, too.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Exposing our skin to the sun can be good for our health

To many people the idea of naturism is unthinkable, but naturists claim that exposing our bodies to sunshine and fresh air has many health benefits. You can read more about it by clicking the link below. What are you waiting for... get naked....lol
The only benefits I can think of are, your body produced vitamin D, you get an even all over tan and it is a great way of socializing.
A word of Caution.
Over exposure can damage your skin, leading to cancer, so cover up when the sun is too strong. Too much sun can also make your skin age quicker.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Tired / Allergy

Here's a test devised by Dr James K Walsh, Director of Sleep Medicine and Research at St Luke's Hospital in St Louis, US, to check if you're getting enough sleep. Mid-afternoon, take yourself off to a warm room, then sit and listen to a business presentation. If you find yourself dozing off, it's not a sign that you're bored, says Dr Walsh, but that you're short of sleep. Funny, we could have sworn that it was plain old boredom.

If you have a food allergy and your partner has eaten large quantities of the food that you are sensitive to, you might develop an allergic reaction after love-making. The allergen can be present in semen, according to recent research findings.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Walking on Air

Friday, June 23, 2006
Did you know....

Did You Know…..
That the first known description of a condom was published in 1564 by the Italian anatomist Gabriel Fallopius. He claimed to have invented the condom, which was made of linen, to protect against syphilis. In his study he issued condoms to 1,100 men and observed that they all remained free from infection.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Four Fabulous Brain Foods

The brain consists of about 60% fat. A High incidence of learning disabilities can be linked to a shortage of essential fatty acids such as those found in fish.

Add this herb to your cooking to improve memory, relieve mental anxiety and improve emotional health.

Contains iron, folic acid and vitamin C. Studies suggest that lack of iron can impair thinking and lead to depression. Vitamin C helps iron absorption.

Contain vitamin E. U.S. research shows a hefty daily dose may delay the development of Alzheimer’s disease.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Super Foods that act like medicine
Super Foods that acts like medicine.
●Ginger ●Apples ●Apricots ●Bananas ●Cranberries ●Garlic ●Globe artichokes ●Oats ●Olive oil ●Yogurt
Some of the foods I have already mentioned, but this time it’s in more detail and how they work. Always try to buy fresh organics whenever possible, as they have a higher concentration of natural goodness and are much less likely to be contaminated with any chemicals.
What it’s good for
● Tiredness and exhaustion
● Colds, a temperature and flu. Drink it with some honey and lemon
● Dull, dry skin
● Helps poor blood circulation
How it works
This spice contain s powerful essential oils which warm the body and are antibacterial. For the problems listed here, make a ginger drink - by simmering five or six thin slices of the fresh root in water for about ten minutes or eat a piece of it, either fresh or cooked, every morning.
What are they good for
●Aching joints and rheumatism. Chop three apples into pieces without removing the skin. Boil for 15 minutes in half a pint of water and drink when cool.
●High cholesterol.
●Diarrhoea and stomach aches. Eat a couple of spoonfuls of baked apple every hour or so.
How they work
This fruit contains very high levels of pectin - a soluble carbohydrate which reduces cholesterol level in the blood by soaking it up and preventing it from being absorbed into the body. Pectin and tannin also help destroy uric acid, one of the body’s waste products. Apples are an antiseptic, too and help fight against infections in the intestines.
What are they good for
●Very dry skin.
●Acne. Eat dried and fresh apricots - though fresh contain more vitamin C.
●They help to heal both cuts and wounds.
●Varicose veins.
●Anaemia and tiredness.
●Constipation. Eat 3- dried halves every morning.
How they work
Beta-carotene is found in this fruit. It fights against ageing and pollution and helps the body heal itself. The beta-carotene and iron content are even more concentrated in the dried variety, and both help the blood supply. Apricots also contain vitamin B and potassium, which strengthen the nervous system.
What they are good for
●Strengthening bones, osteoporosis.
●PMT, depression, seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
●Irritability and stress.
●Diarrhoea. Eat half a mashed banana every hour.
How they work
These are particularly good for children and older people because they’re so easily digested. As well as other nutrients, they contain calcium, iron and potassium which strengthen the body and fight against stress. They are also a good source of vitamin B6 and a form of fibre which helps the body eliminate toxins from the system. Eat them ripe as they can be hard to diest when still green.
What it’s good for
●Cystitis and urine infections.
Drink one litre of juice through the day during an attack, then a glass every morning to minimise any recurrence of the problem. Can be used over long periods with no side effects.
●Kidney stones.
●Tonsillitis, laryngitis and sore throats.
●Acne and skin blemishes.
●Soothing sensitive and / or bleeding gums.
How they work
As well as being rich in vitamin C which helps to prevent colds - cranberries are anti-septic and kill infections as they pass through the body. They’re also rich source of potassium, iron and vitamin A. You can make your own juice or puree by simply simmering he fresh berries in water for about an hour, then adding sugar or honey to taste.
What they are good for
• Coughs, colds and flu
• Asthma and hay fever
• High blood pressure
• Poor circulation
• Cellulite and fluid retention
• Treating cystitis and bladder infections
Now it works
Contains sulphur compounds and iodine, which disinfect the blood and thin it so that it flows more freely. It is also useful as an expectorant, as it loosens mucus in the body. Eaten regularly, garlic helps strengthen the body's natural defence, the immune system. Cooking destroys some of the minerals so eat one or two chopped or crushed raw cloves a day in salads or with vegetables. Chew parsley or coffee beans to get rid of the odour afterwards.
Globe artichokes
What they are good for
• Liver problems. Try to eat one or two every day
• Fluid retention and cellulite
• Chronic tiredness
How they work
This vegetable contains a chemical called cynarine which helps the liver to function by simulating bile secretion. Artichokes are also an effective diuretic‑ they increase the flow of urine‑so they are extremely helpful with problems of fluid retention. Artichokes are most easily digested if boiled and eaten with a little olive oil.
What they are good for
• High cholesterol
• Strengthening your bones and teeth
• Diabetes and high blood sugar levels
• Constipation
• Stress
• Depression
How they work
Containing fibre, B vitamins and minerals, oats also soak up the cholesterol in the blood so that it's passed through the body without being absorbed. High in calcium, potassium and magnesium which, like the B vitamins, are good for the nervous system. The silicon content helps to maintain healthy arterial walls. Swap your sugary cereal for a bowl of porridge every morning.
Olive oil
What ifs good for
•Treating constipation and haemorrhoids, especially during pregnancy
• Sensitive, dull and dry skin
• Aching joints and arthritis
• Digestion
• Stomach upsets, liver complaints and ulcers
• High blood pressure and high cholesterol
• Varicose and broken veins
How they work
This monounsaturated oil lubricates the whole body from the inside, helping the body pass food through the system more quickly and easily. It is also rich in vitamin E, which has powerful antioxidant properties, and vitamin A. Replace other oils with extra virgin olive oil when cooking.
What it's good for
• Candida and thrush‑for both of these you should eat at least four small cartons of natural live yogurt a day
• Acne and problem skin
• Stress and irritability
HOW it works
A bacterium called lactobacillus, which is present in yogurt helps balance the bacteria which naturally occur in the stomach. Lactobacillus also fights fungal infections such as thrush. Yogurt is a rich source of important minerals, particularly potassium, which has a role in feeding the nervous system.
●Ginger ●Apples ●Apricots ●Bananas ●Cranberries ●Garlic ●Globe artichokes ●Oats ●Olive oil ●Yogurt
Some of the foods I have already mentioned, but this time it’s in more detail and how they work. Always try to buy fresh organics whenever possible, as they have a higher concentration of natural goodness and are much less likely to be contaminated with any chemicals.

What it’s good for
● Tiredness and exhaustion
● Colds, a temperature and flu. Drink it with some honey and lemon
● Dull, dry skin
● Helps poor blood circulation
How it works
This spice contain s powerful essential oils which warm the body and are antibacterial. For the problems listed here, make a ginger drink - by simmering five or six thin slices of the fresh root in water for about ten minutes or eat a piece of it, either fresh or cooked, every morning.

What are they good for
●Aching joints and rheumatism. Chop three apples into pieces without removing the skin. Boil for 15 minutes in half a pint of water and drink when cool.
●High cholesterol.
●Diarrhoea and stomach aches. Eat a couple of spoonfuls of baked apple every hour or so.
How they work
This fruit contains very high levels of pectin - a soluble carbohydrate which reduces cholesterol level in the blood by soaking it up and preventing it from being absorbed into the body. Pectin and tannin also help destroy uric acid, one of the body’s waste products. Apples are an antiseptic, too and help fight against infections in the intestines.

What are they good for
●Very dry skin.
●Acne. Eat dried and fresh apricots - though fresh contain more vitamin C.
●They help to heal both cuts and wounds.
●Varicose veins.
●Anaemia and tiredness.
●Constipation. Eat 3- dried halves every morning.
How they work
Beta-carotene is found in this fruit. It fights against ageing and pollution and helps the body heal itself. The beta-carotene and iron content are even more concentrated in the dried variety, and both help the blood supply. Apricots also contain vitamin B and potassium, which strengthen the nervous system.

What they are good for
●Strengthening bones, osteoporosis.
●PMT, depression, seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
●Irritability and stress.
●Diarrhoea. Eat half a mashed banana every hour.
How they work
These are particularly good for children and older people because they’re so easily digested. As well as other nutrients, they contain calcium, iron and potassium which strengthen the body and fight against stress. They are also a good source of vitamin B6 and a form of fibre which helps the body eliminate toxins from the system. Eat them ripe as they can be hard to diest when still green.

What it’s good for
●Cystitis and urine infections.
Drink one litre of juice through the day during an attack, then a glass every morning to minimise any recurrence of the problem. Can be used over long periods with no side effects.
●Kidney stones.
●Tonsillitis, laryngitis and sore throats.
●Acne and skin blemishes.
●Soothing sensitive and / or bleeding gums.
How they work
As well as being rich in vitamin C which helps to prevent colds - cranberries are anti-septic and kill infections as they pass through the body. They’re also rich source of potassium, iron and vitamin A. You can make your own juice or puree by simply simmering he fresh berries in water for about an hour, then adding sugar or honey to taste.

What they are good for
• Coughs, colds and flu
• Asthma and hay fever
• High blood pressure
• Poor circulation
• Cellulite and fluid retention
• Treating cystitis and bladder infections
Now it works
Contains sulphur compounds and iodine, which disinfect the blood and thin it so that it flows more freely. It is also useful as an expectorant, as it loosens mucus in the body. Eaten regularly, garlic helps strengthen the body's natural defence, the immune system. Cooking destroys some of the minerals so eat one or two chopped or crushed raw cloves a day in salads or with vegetables. Chew parsley or coffee beans to get rid of the odour afterwards.

What they are good for
• Liver problems. Try to eat one or two every day
• Fluid retention and cellulite
• Chronic tiredness
How they work
This vegetable contains a chemical called cynarine which helps the liver to function by simulating bile secretion. Artichokes are also an effective diuretic‑ they increase the flow of urine‑so they are extremely helpful with problems of fluid retention. Artichokes are most easily digested if boiled and eaten with a little olive oil.

What they are good for
• High cholesterol
• Strengthening your bones and teeth
• Diabetes and high blood sugar levels
• Constipation
• Stress
• Depression
How they work
Containing fibre, B vitamins and minerals, oats also soak up the cholesterol in the blood so that it's passed through the body without being absorbed. High in calcium, potassium and magnesium which, like the B vitamins, are good for the nervous system. The silicon content helps to maintain healthy arterial walls. Swap your sugary cereal for a bowl of porridge every morning.

What ifs good for
•Treating constipation and haemorrhoids, especially during pregnancy
• Sensitive, dull and dry skin
• Aching joints and arthritis
• Digestion
• Stomach upsets, liver complaints and ulcers
• High blood pressure and high cholesterol
• Varicose and broken veins
How they work
This monounsaturated oil lubricates the whole body from the inside, helping the body pass food through the system more quickly and easily. It is also rich in vitamin E, which has powerful antioxidant properties, and vitamin A. Replace other oils with extra virgin olive oil when cooking.

What it's good for
• Candida and thrush‑for both of these you should eat at least four small cartons of natural live yogurt a day
• Acne and problem skin
• Stress and irritability
HOW it works
A bacterium called lactobacillus, which is present in yogurt helps balance the bacteria which naturally occur in the stomach. Lactobacillus also fights fungal infections such as thrush. Yogurt is a rich source of important minerals, particularly potassium, which has a role in feeding the nervous system.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Make your own....

if you're out of paracetamol and you or one of the family has a fever to bring down, try the following before resorting to calling the doctor.Sponge the patient with tepid water, briskly wiping each area of the body as sponged. This will cool the body while also increasing circulation. Make up an apple water drink in order to bring the fever down further. Slice three washed but unpeeled apples and simmer them in a little water until they're soft. Strain the water and add a washed piece of lemon, which will improve the flavour. Serve the drink cold. High temperatures in children are often caused by colds and infections. Before panicking, use your gut feeling to assess wheather your child is her normal self or not. A high temperature when it's combined with floppiness, lack of interest in food or drink, an unusual cry or sensitivity to light are reasons to call your doctor.
Although over the counter remedies exist for cystitis, these are a relatively recent invention, and it's easy to make your own at home with water and a teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda to every point. You should aim to drink several pints every hour from the moment symptoms start.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Eat Your Way To Health
Cold and flu -a strong immune system is the key to fighting off virual infections. A diet which contains plenty of fruit and veg, including lots of garlic and onions, is the best way to boost it and fight infection.
Constipation -increase your fibre intake by eating wholegrain cereals such as brown rice, wholemeal pasta, wholemeal bread and high-fibre breakfast cereals; drink atleast 8 glasses of fluid a day. Also eat prunes, they contain a substance which stimulates the muscles in the bowel and acts as a gentle laxative. (if you really can't face eating prunes, try drinking prne juice instead.)
Cystitis - cranberries and cranberry juice contain a natural antibiotic that prevents the bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder. To prevent cystitis, drink a glass of cranberry juice every day. To treat it, drink 350-500ml a day. Drin plenty of water, too but avoid tea, coffee and alcohol.
Gastric ulcers - a dessert-spoon of manuka honey afer each meal and another at bedtime can help heal stomach ulcers and kill the H.pylori bacteria that cause them.
Headaches and migrainecan be caused by low blood sugar, so eat little and often and try not to skip meals. Cheese, chocolate, citru fruits, caffeine and red wine can trigger attacks in migraine sufferers.
Constipation -increase your fibre intake by eating wholegrain cereals such as brown rice, wholemeal pasta, wholemeal bread and high-fibre breakfast cereals; drink atleast 8 glasses of fluid a day. Also eat prunes, they contain a substance which stimulates the muscles in the bowel and acts as a gentle laxative. (if you really can't face eating prunes, try drinking prne juice instead.)
Cystitis - cranberries and cranberry juice contain a natural antibiotic that prevents the bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder. To prevent cystitis, drink a glass of cranberry juice every day. To treat it, drink 350-500ml a day. Drin plenty of water, too but avoid tea, coffee and alcohol.

Headaches and migrainecan be caused by low blood sugar, so eat little and often and try not to skip meals. Cheese, chocolate, citru fruits, caffeine and red wine can trigger attacks in migraine sufferers.
Mouth ulcers - often a sign that you're run down. Try eating natural yogurt, which is high in the acidophilus bacteria. Keep it in your mouth for couple of minutes before swallowing. The bacteria in the yogurt will help the ulcer heal.
Nausea - try sucking a piece of crystallised ginger or drinking ginger ale, or make ginger tea: grate a 1.3cm (half inch) piece of fresh root ginger into a mug of boiling water. Stand the tea for about 10 minutes before straining and drinking.
Psoriasis - eat more oil-rich fish. They're rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, which can have an anti-inflammatory effect. Aim to eat atleat 3 serving a week.
Thrush - Caused by an excess growth of the yeast candida albicans. Eating live yogurt can help by encouraging friendly bacteria to flourish. Avoid sugar, which encourages the growth of candida.
Drink up your greens!
Green tea is a rich source of flavonoids which help protect the body against the damaging effects of free radicals linked with heat disease, cancer and Alzheimer's disease.
Nausea - try sucking a piece of crystallised ginger or drinking ginger ale, or make ginger tea: grate a 1.3cm (half inch) piece of fresh root ginger into a mug of boiling water. Stand the tea for about 10 minutes before straining and drinking.
Psoriasis - eat more oil-rich fish. They're rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, which can have an anti-inflammatory effect. Aim to eat atleat 3 serving a week.
Thrush - Caused by an excess growth of the yeast candida albicans. Eating live yogurt can help by encouraging friendly bacteria to flourish. Avoid sugar, which encourages the growth of candida.
Drink up your greens!
Green tea is a rich source of flavonoids which help protect the body against the damaging effects of free radicals linked with heat disease, cancer and Alzheimer's disease.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Get The Best...
To get the maximum nutritional content from all the fruit and veg you eat, you'd need to pick them from an organic plot and eat within a few hours. That's pretty unlikely, so what's next best thing?
Fresh foods... you'd think fresh was always the best option, but only harvested veg is eaten within a day or two. In reality, so much is imported and may have taken days to reach the shops where it then sits around for a couple of days. Produce starts to lose its nutritional content the moment it's picked so, by the time we eat it, it's pretty minimal, especially if it's been pre-washed and chopped. Up the ante by buying from a busy shop solve the distance problem by buying Localley.
As for canned and frozen... most frozen foods are picked and frozen within hours so nutrients are locked in. The best example is peas, which have the same amount of vitamin C as fresh just picked ones. Fruit and veg destined for canning are transported to canneries fairly quickly, where they're canned in water, syrup or juice, then cooked at high temperatures - no worries about the nutrients, tinned carrots can contain more vitamin C then either boiled fresh or frozen. So now there's no excuse for not eating your greens, your oranges, your yellows....
Fresh foods... you'd think fresh was always the best option, but only harvested veg is eaten within a day or two. In reality, so much is imported and may have taken days to reach the shops where it then sits around for a couple of days. Produce starts to lose its nutritional content the moment it's picked so, by the time we eat it, it's pretty minimal, especially if it's been pre-washed and chopped. Up the ante by buying from a busy shop solve the distance problem by buying Localley.
As for canned and frozen... most frozen foods are picked and frozen within hours so nutrients are locked in. The best example is peas, which have the same amount of vitamin C as fresh just picked ones. Fruit and veg destined for canning are transported to canneries fairly quickly, where they're canned in water, syrup or juice, then cooked at high temperatures - no worries about the nutrients, tinned carrots can contain more vitamin C then either boiled fresh or frozen. So now there's no excuse for not eating your greens, your oranges, your yellows....
Friday, May 26, 2006
Know Your Colours
It's important to get more colour into your life - but make sure you're getting a good balance.

the most important colour to include in our diets; green foods are rich in iron and vitamins C and E, and contain chemicals that protect us against bacteria, reducing the risks of food poisoning and certain cancers, including colon and lung cancer.
Best to eat: broccoli, advocados, apples, green peppers, peas, green leafy veg.
Rich in betacarontene, a plant form of vitamin A which protects against heart disease and cancer; it's also an antioxidant, which helps protect against damaging substances produced by smoking, pollution and sunlight. Lycopene, another powerful antioxidant found mainly in tomatoes, helps to reduce the risk of certain cancers. This becomes more concentrated in cooked or canned tomatoes. So those tinned toms are good for you.
Best to eat: red peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, red cabbage, red onions, rhubarb.
There's lots of vitamin C, bioflavonoids and ellagic acids in purple foods. They're immune-boosting cancer preventors and are also pacifing and relaxing, so can help if you're having trouble sleeping. Beetroot is especially rich in iron and magnesium and is known as the vitality plant.
Best to eat: beetroot, prunes, aubergines, blueberries, plums
Yellow and Orange
Like the red foods, yellow and orange are also high in betacarotene. Citrus fruits - lemons, limes, oramges, grapefruits are good source of vitamin C, and bananas are energy giving, rich in potassium and maganese.
Best to eat: sweet potatoes, sweetcorn, pumpkins, apricots, mangoes.

the most important colour to include in our diets; green foods are rich in iron and vitamins C and E, and contain chemicals that protect us against bacteria, reducing the risks of food poisoning and certain cancers, including colon and lung cancer.
Best to eat: broccoli, advocados, apples, green peppers, peas, green leafy veg.

Rich in betacarontene, a plant form of vitamin A which protects against heart disease and cancer; it's also an antioxidant, which helps protect against damaging substances produced by smoking, pollution and sunlight. Lycopene, another powerful antioxidant found mainly in tomatoes, helps to reduce the risk of certain cancers. This becomes more concentrated in cooked or canned tomatoes. So those tinned toms are good for you.
Best to eat: red peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, red cabbage, red onions, rhubarb.

There's lots of vitamin C, bioflavonoids and ellagic acids in purple foods. They're immune-boosting cancer preventors and are also pacifing and relaxing, so can help if you're having trouble sleeping. Beetroot is especially rich in iron and magnesium and is known as the vitality plant.
Best to eat: beetroot, prunes, aubergines, blueberries, plums

Like the red foods, yellow and orange are also high in betacarotene. Citrus fruits - lemons, limes, oramges, grapefruits are good source of vitamin C, and bananas are energy giving, rich in potassium and maganese.
Best to eat: sweet potatoes, sweetcorn, pumpkins, apricots, mangoes.
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